Thursday, March 6, 2008


It really are the simple things in life we overlook most of the time. I think I have a tendency to complicate something already complicated or actually make something more complicated than it really is. (Does your head hurt too?) So I came to the conclusion that I'm going to simply everything I possibly can in my life (without sacrificing the necessary components) and pursue a more peaceful life. Peace is such a calming word. And I desire so much of it in my chaotic life right now.
The first step I'm practicting is breathing. A silly thing to rehearse, I know, but it's something I really need to do because I feel like I'm suffocating in my own tumultuous mind. I know I sound kind of desperate. And I suppose I am.

Mexican Pizza
flour tortillas
pizza or tomato sauce
shredded cheese (4 cheese)
favorite pizza toppings (grilled chicken)
Warm a tortilla on a skillet. Spread a couple spoonfuls of a tomato sauce evenly across the top. Add your favorite pizza toppings and sprinkle liberally with cheese.
I waited for all the cheese to melt beautifully and let my "crust" toast on the skillet until it was nice and crispy.
Nothing complicated, really. Just simply delicious.


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